Monday, August 9, 2010

Wow! (Reflecting on 11 tools)

I can't believe I'm done. Some of my favorites...PhotoStory, blogging, Jing and Skype and Wikis. I think that one of the tools I will use with a project for students will be PhotoStory. I found it to be easy to use and so it should be easy to teach and the students can learn to manipulate it to their liking as well as present in written form(as I will make that a requirement).

As far as transforming my thinking about the learning that will take place in my classroom...well I am now less fearful of the unknown (technology...)all that is out there to teach with and from. I know I have much more to learn, but I am anxious to do so because it will assisst me in meeting the varied needs of my students and help to prepare them for tomorrow's world.

Unexpected me just the thought that I was able to take this course, learn so much, share and reflect all from home and at the pace and time that I chose has absolutely drawn a "wow" from me . It goes to show how advanced technology has become and how much learning we must continue to do.


  1. Hi friend, I just finished mine up today too. I agree with you. It is amazing all that can be done on the computer. It scares me that one day everything will be done on the computer. It is so convenient, but at the same time a little scary. See you on Thursday!

  2. BTW, it's Veronica, in case you didn't know who ABC123 was. Okay...I thought that today was sad! I am all ready dreading starting on Thursday.
